Friday, October 23, 2009

more updates (this past week or so)

My friend M from Chicago is now my long distance friend with benefits (he has a girlfriend and I'm looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend in CO, M and I usally talk via facebook im). I want to visit M and meet his girlfriend, K, soon. On Monday my friend H, who I've talked about some, came out to her dad and his reaction was positive, she was afraid he'd have a bad reaction. Last night I went to a movie night for QSA and I met up with H and two freshmen girls, B and J. After the movie B, J, H and I went to B and J's dorm to meet up with Freshman M (he has the same name as M irl also). B, J, H, Freshman M, and I tried to go to a tea shop but it was closed by the time we took the train and walked, so we went to the Safeway that was there, not the one by our campus. At Safeway, we had a great time and had to leave before H bought the store out :). After we got back to campus, B, J, H, Freshman M, and I went back to H and my dorm and hung out it H's and my rooms until 2am (the movie night started at 7 and we met up with Freshman M at about 9:30). We had a shopping trip planned for two hours ago to celebrate H's coming out to her dad but H overslept so that's been posponed.

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